Is anyone ACTUALLY interested in how family structure affects labor market outcomes??? I mean, why do these people spend the time to write such horrifically dull articles? Surely that means someone is interested in the topic, right? But who? What kind of sicko likes that stuff? ESPECIALLY enough to devote their entire careers to it??! Why am I reading it?! What am I doing here?! It's sucking the life out of me..as well as the cookies I just ate.. and I ate a lot of them..
Ok, this is the last post on school, I promise...if that's good for anything. Who wants to read other people's griping about their schedules and their sucky majors.. I'm just perplexed. And vomitrocious.
So, to smooth things over with you, I offer my poem: Ode to 7th grade poetry
Versus skull
It's complex.
It's perplex.
It's a 4-plex.
Where discrimination is allowed
Under Fair Housing.
Stop it.
No housing.
What a lousy
Way to die.
The end.
Stellar, am I right?