Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just a little poetry for you

Is anyone ACTUALLY interested in how family structure affects labor market outcomes??? I mean, why do these people spend the time to write such horrifically dull articles? Surely that means someone is interested in the topic, right? But who? What kind of sicko likes that stuff? ESPECIALLY enough to devote their entire careers to it??! Why am I reading it?! What am I doing here?! It's sucking the life out of well as the cookies I just ate.. and I ate a lot of them..

Ok, this is the last post on school, I promise...if that's good for anything. Who wants to read other people's griping about their schedules and their sucky majors.. I'm just perplexed. And vomitrocious.

So, to smooth things over with you, I offer my poem: Ode to 7th grade poetry

Versus skull
It's complex.
It's perplex.
It's a 4-plex.
Where discrimination is allowed
Under Fair Housing.
Stop it.
No housing.
What a lousy
Way to die.

The end.

Stellar, am I right?

Monday, February 15, 2010

What in the heck is construct validity??

Can someone please tell me? I really don't know. I have basically no idea. And you may be wondering, how is Sam doing in her research methods class? I don't want to talk about it. But it's all cool, because I made that fateful deal with myself that if I'm going to do grad school, I'm not allowed to obsess or work on Sundays. Sunday is working out...but not knowing what construct validity is...well...that's like a little miniature Freddy Kruger clawing around my innards...must...under...stand...And yeah, go ahead, look it up. You'll be more ignorant than before you started.
I wonder if there's a spectrum of sanity...or if you're just sane or insane.... What's really depressing is that what I just said reminds me of a continuous variable versus a categorical variable...
Sigh again.
Whatever the case, we'll see what's left of said sanity when this circus is over.
Oh and here. Let me just frustrate you with this chart that nothing to do with anything.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Man Baby

Alright. Perhaps smaller, more frequent posts. One of those things that I MAKE time for, even though zero exists. Speaking of that, it's pretty annoying when other people are always complaining about how little time they have...and I do that...a lot...So I'll try to stop. Maybe that will magically give me more time. Mmmm...time.

So the thought of the week: I don't ever want to see an adult male do an accurate infant impression again. Not ever again. So if you think you have a pretty good one up your sleeve, keep it to yourself, okay? I can't handle any more.