Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We Done Went Fishing

Blarg, Blogger is dumb. It will only let me upload one pic... Anyone know how to upload easier? And more than 5 at a time?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hippo-cracy Democracy

Welp, I'm a hippo-crittter. I am, nonetheless, pleased to announce the newest member of our family, my schnazzy new bike. I loves it...except for one minor issue... There is...a certain amount...a certain degree.. of some less-than-pleasing...not-so-optimal... There's some pink on the bike, ok? Yeah. I bought a bike with some pink on it, despite my vehement vows otherwise. What's it to you? It was the best deal, the smoothest ride, way on sale, and Chris thinks it would be good for me to embrace my inner girl. I am, in fact, a girl... Although I doubt even my inner-most girl wants anything to do with that abhorred, atrocious, puke of a color...but perhaps he's right. It's really not even that much pink anyway. Plus, it's more of a purple (true, a color almost as nauseating as vomitrocious pink, but it's kind of like having Mussolini for a friend instead of Hitler).
Anywho, I just thought you'd want to hear it from me rather than finding out some other, shocking way.

Here it is... Ok, lay it on me.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tu t'appelles?

People who claim to be "so terrible with names" = Self-centered. (I'm in this category)
People who claim to be "incredibly good with names" = Creepy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wanna go ride bikes?

Well, after spending the winter under a tarp that was too small, it was time to "tune up" the bike again. I rolled it into Aggie Blue Bikes, who, as it turns out, make YOU fix your own bike under their fairly lax supervision. Here's the thing though, they all figure that you know at least something about your bicycle, because they start with, "Alright, just pop that back wheel off and unscrew the axel rod." Mmmm...I said, "I promise I'm not this dumb outside of bicycle-dom...but I don't have any idea how to get that sucker off a there..." He says, "Just unhook the break pads and pull the quick release." It turns out the "quick" release is only quick if you're not dumb. In the end, I spent the better part of 2 hours screwing things in the wrong way (righty tighty, lefty loosey is hard), dropping wrenches on the poor dude's foot, and wigging out over the spiderwebs that appeared in the bike's nooks and crannies. I asked him if he figured it would explode on my way home, and I guess he didn't see it as very likely...even after I told him how it HAD in fact exploded while I was riding it one time...the tire anyway.
So here's hoping it doesn't fall apart mid-ride.

Also, anyone have any ideas on where to buy a new bike? We need another one.