I was flipping through the little notebook I keep by my bedside, and found some random things. Some of them don't make sense...Sometimes I write things in pitch darkness as I'm drifting off to sleep...
-"Stickers stick to what purpose"
I have no idea what I meant by this. Now there's some deep thinking for yeh.
-"Pros and Cons of staying in grad school: Pros: M.S. degree, no disappointment; Cons: Go crazy, can't do fun things"
Hmmm...and what did I ultimately choose? Sanity is overrated anyway..
-"Chris started freaking out last night, 'Aaa! Aaa! Keep the ogre open!' Repeated over and over"
Looks like I'm not the only one with night terrors. Subconscious fear of ogres much?
-"Baby present, Jen-Frosting, Randy-thesis timeline"
I think you got your frosting, didn't you Jen?
-"Bottle of retrospect"