Ok, ok, I know I shouldn't do it. And I know no one wants to hear another gripe, but I'm going to get this off my chest. And then maybe I can move on and leave this atrocity behind me. I'll keep it brief (HA), though it could go on for 34 pages. I'll also try to spice it up in poem format.
USU is dumb
Like, REALLY dumb.
They have dumb student teachers (excluding myself, wink) who don't know the material and tell you wrong things
And then, although this statistics class has been a relative breeze compared to other grad classes, I suppose still a lot of work,
Dumb people don't realize that the take home final they've given you will take LITERALLY ALL DAY.
I know no one cares,
and I know some people have worse stories,
but let me just say that I got to class at 9 am,
class ended at 10:30,
and I spent til until about 8 PM finishing this take home test, nonstop minus a 45 minute lunch break.
Here's the thing though.
It wasn't your normal, run of the mill, work-all-day.
No, no. This was statistics at its most foul.
Hey, if anything, I've fairly enjoyed the rest of the class,
but when I have to compile hundreds of data entries,
pick the most appropriate analysis,
whether it be a repeated measures mixed design analysis of variance or just regular ol' linear regression analysis,
know what that analysis means,
provide 24 pages of output from a statistical program,
interpret just about every single number from the table,
know what those mean and how they relate to each other,
then write about 10 pages single spaced interpreting that data in APA format,
and do several more analyses in klunky Excel,
I get a little....agitated..
Here's a lovely example from one line:
"The interaction effects of time and word type were not statistically significant, F(1,33)=53.523, p<.001, partial eta squared=.619, a medium effect size."
That went on for 10 pages aaaaaaa!!
And the worst part?
I can't even describe my internal agony at my awful plight...mmm...slightly dramatic.
No worries. I'm going to calm down. And then forget this nonsense.
And I know, you may be thinking, "Oh wa, wa, wa, call the wambulence. Suck it up, I've had worse."
And that's true. I'm going to stop complaining in just a sec.
Just let me know if you'd be interested to see the bulk of my work files, ok?!
That's the funny thing, can you think of any psychopath who actually WOULD be interested?
How about all the professors at school...
Next post will be positive to counterbalance.