If I ever come upon someone who hasn't noticed me, I take great care not to startle him/her. I may jingle my keys or back out and enter the room again, louder this time. No sudden movements.
I learned my lesson my first year of college when I stealthily and creepily crawled up to Maren (my roommate) as she got into bed. She squealed in terror and I laughed heartily. But she promised that she would get me back. I wouldn't know when or where, but it would happen with a vengeance. That whole year, I'd peak around corners, enter rooms cautiously, and jump at any small sound. My quality of living plummeted.
To this day, I live in fear of retribution. Now, she's probably forgotten the whole thing, but maybe she hasn't. Maybe she's in my house right now...
Nobody startle me, ok? I can't take it.