Well, since the cat's already out of the bag that I'm all kinds of cray-cray, I may as well expound.
I don't sleep well. At all. After maybe an hour of, "Come on, come on, fall asleep. Stop thinking. Stop thinking about thinking," I notice that I'm tapping out a drum pattern with my teeth or fingers or both. After maybe another hour, I play this little game with myself. I think of some random topic, like "yellow," or "grapes," or "schizophrenia," and then think of a chain through whatever first comes to mind. I go along until I ultimately get back to where I started. Here's an example:
Yellow, sun, corona, beach, sharks, drowning, swimming pool, Nanny, gold shoes, silver purse, Mum, Olive Garden, Minestrone soup, tomatoes, vegetables, Ranch dressing, coupons, finance, school, death, blue, ocean, sun, light, yellow.
Surely this isn't THAT crazy. Surely others do this sometimes, no?
1 comment:
This comment is from your Aunts (of the Debbie, Wendy, Holly variety). . .
You are our fav kind of cray-cray (and the pluot didn't fall far from the tree!)
We love you Tsamb-y!
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