Medical personnel have no senses of humor. Is it smugness at the fact that you're the one sitting there getting pricked while they sport awe-inspiring, white lab coats? Or did those arduous years of medical training wring the funny from them? Because if they ask, “So what brought you in to donate blood today?” And you answer, “Peer pressure. I do drugs now too.” And then they blow things out of proportion—something traumatic must have happened to them, right? Right?? My opinion: those white coats have gone straight to their heads. I saw one wearing a name tag saying, “Hello, my name is Dr. Stacy Puffington, a doctor, I'm a doctor, and now that I've earned this coat, I'm on an elevated plane from you riffraff ruffians, and while I'm here, you all should probably be relocated to internment camps, where I may or may not grace you with my presence to administer flu vaccinations or any other number of antidotes you would know nothing about.” This may be too long for a name tag, but I'm sure with all the money they make, they can buy jumbo name tags.
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